
If you don’t wish to physically hold wine in your own storage, and deal with the paper trail of buying and selling investment grade wines, LiquidStratagem can add the security of working with the online trading platform WineBourse.

WineBourse is a low cost online trading platform for solid cases of fine wine stored in UK and European bonded warehouses. The trading platform is designed for private collectors and industry professionals to transact anonymously, efficiently, and securely in a real-time marketplace. All currency conversions are handled by the platform, all records are held centrally, thus ensuring a provenance trail, and the risks of fraud are highly mitigated.

WineBourse uses a secure transaction clearing process on every trade called Delivery versus Payment, which is a Global Financial Markets standard for the settlement of commodities. During the “trade clearing period” the objective is to ensure simultaneous exchange of the wine for the receipt of payment. The standard is to administer this process through an independent third party, often referred to as a Clearing company – in our case we use WineClear.